Industrial Grade Diesel Generators

The pressure profile of the 100 kW generator, running for a day. The Pressure measurements were taken every second. Different segments of the depict different engine load settings:
1. Idle, for about 1 hour
2. 40 kW, for about 3.5 hours
3. 80 kW, for about 30 minutes.
The Back pressure for the 225 kW generator, after the installation of the RYPOS TRAP. As in the following settings can be distinguished:
1. The first part shows the engine idling for about 30 minutes.
2. The second part, 125 kW for about 20 minutes.
3. The third part, 175 kW for 20 minutes

•The cleanest greenest alternative for Electricity gGneration is probably solar electric in most situations. Installing a photovoltaic power system on your rooftop can make you part of the solution, feeding clean solar electricity back in to the grid at maximum power on those sunny afternoons when the utility system is most likely to be overstrained by air conditioning and needs it most.
•(PowerLight ( 510-540-0550 in Berkeley California, but with offices around the US) is the firm I am aware of that probably knows the most about commercial scale systems.
•You need to be able to keep the voltage steady when a cloud passes over and, of course, you need to be ready for the outage to happen at night or on cloudy days as well. Storage issues with wind energy are similar. Storage technology is primitive compared to the solar modules that make the electricity.

Before the Installation of each of the RYPOS TRAPs, the following operation characteristics of the diesel generator were monitored to help evaluate the performance of the trap:
a. Engine Load
b. Engine Speed
c. Exhaust Temperature.
Exhaust samples were collected before and after the installation of the systems and the Total Particulate Matter (TPM) measurementswere used to evaluate the Traps’ efficiency

Diesel Generators have several advantages over other internal combustion engines.
* They burn less fuel than a gasoline engine performing the same work, due to the engine's high efficiency and diesel fuel's higher energy density than gasoline.
* They have no high-tension electrical ignition system to attend to, resulting in high reliability and easy adaptation to damp environments.
* They can deliver much more of their rated power on a continuous basis than a gasoline engine.
* The life of a Diesel generators is generally about twice as long as that of a gasoline engine due to the increased strength of parts used, also because diesel fuel has better lubrication properties than gasoline.
* For any given partial load the fuel efficiency of a diesel generators remains nearly constant, as opposed to gasoline and turbine engines which use proportionally more fuel with partial power outputs.
Labels: Diesel Fuels, Diesel Generators, Generators
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