
All arc welding and cutting cables shall be of the completely insulated, flexible type, capable of handling the maximum current requirements of the work in progress, taking into account the duty cycle under which the Arc welder or cutters is working.

Any current-carrying parts passing through the portion of the holder which the Arc welder or cutter grips in his hand, and the outer surfaces of the jaws of the holder, shall be fully insulated against the maximum voltage encountered to ground.

Only cable free from repair or splices for a minimum distance of 10 feet from the cable end to which the electrode holder is connected shall be used, except that cables with standard insulated connectors or with splices whose insulating quality is equal to that of the cable are permitted.
Labels: Arc Cutters, ARC Welders, Cuttind cables, Cutting Grips, Welders Metal, Welding Spots
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