Gas Welders:
Make the weld by guiding the arc, with its intense heat, along the edges of the metals to be joinedSelect proper types of welding torch tip according to the metal and the job being done.
* Gas welding torches
* Gas shielded arc equipment
* Arc welding torches
* Blueprints and templates
* Submerged arc welding equipment
* Clamps and calipers
* Rules, squares, and hand tools
You Should Prefer:•ARC WELDERS join metal parts using electric Arc welding equipment.
•PRODUCTION LINE WELDERS join metal parts on production lines, using pipes lines or gas equipments.
•GAS WELDERS join metal parts together using gas Welding equipment and combine their own techniques in the parts .
•EXPERIMENTAL WELDERS analyze engineering data and weld experimental parts to determine the most effective welding process, using various Welding methods and Equipment.
Standard Features:The work of
arc, plasma, and flame cutters is closely related to that of welders. However,
instead of joining metals, cutters use the heat from burning gases or an electric arc to cut and trim metal objects to specific dimensions.
Cutters also dismantle large objects, such as ships, railroad cars, automobiles or aircraft. Some operate and monitor cutting machines similar to those used by welding machine operators.
Welders often work in a variety of awkward positions, having to make welds while
bending, stooping, or working overhead. In some settings, however, working conditions are much better and there are few hazards or discomforts. Overtime is sometimes necessary to complete special projects.

Occupational Exposure Limits for Manganese
Agency : Occupational Exposure Limit
NIOSH REL : 1 mg/m3 (TWA) and 3 mg/m3 (STEL)
NIOSH IDLH : 500 mg/m3
OSHA PEL : 5 mg/m3 (ceiling)
ACGIH TLV : 0.2 mg/m
IDLH: immediately dangerous to life and health concentration
PEL : permissible exposure limit
REL : recommended exposure limit
STEL: short-term exposure limit
TLV : threshold limit value
TWA : time-weighted

Equipments Used By Welding Process:
* Servicing and installation must only be undertaken by a qualified licensed electrician. Never tamper with electrical supply circuits or systems. The welder is only responsible for making connections in the welding circuit and for setting external welding machine controls.
* Equipment should be well maintained and checked regularly, particularly the insulation and connections on work return leads and holders.
* Electrodes or welding wire should never be touched with bare hands when in the holder or welding gun. Holders or welding guns should never be held under the armpits. Remember, hot work increases risk due to the reduced skin resistance when sweating occurs.

egulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents
• Part Number: 1910
• Part Title: Occupational Safety and Health Standards
• Subpart: Q
• Subpart: Welding, Cutting, and Brazing
• Standard No: 1910.254
• Title: Arc welding and cutting.
General -
Equipment selection Welding equipment shall be chosen for safe application to the work to be done as specified in paragraph (b) of this section.
Installation Welding equipment shall be installed safely as specified by paragraph (c) of this section

* The arc - the temperature can reach 6000 degrees celsius. The intense ultraviolet and infra-red rays can be harmful to both the welder and anyone else nearby.
* The electrical circuit - the electrical circuit is perhaps the greatest hazard to the welder. The risk of electrical shock is high and welders should note the following points:
o Never attempt to change welding cables before switching off the power.
o Always install the welding machine as near as possible to the power point.
o Always keep the welding machine terminals and cable connections clean.
o Work on a well insulated floor wherever possible.
o Always wear dry gloves when Handling equipment that is live.
o Always get a qualified electrician to do any electrical repairs.
Kempler IndustriesLabels: ARC Welders, Handling Equipments, Plasma Cutters, Plasma cutting machine, Welding Guns